sailjson |
Powerbuilder json parser |
sailjson |
Pure Powerbuilder script tool to parse json |
sailjson is a none visual user object for powerbuilder. This
demo writted in Powerbuilder 9.
You can free download sailjson and
use it, but please keep the site address mark in script.
Please reserve this information
Release date:2016-6-27
Fixed bug of read string which include "\".
Release date:2016-1-9
Fixed bug to parse pure array like "[1,2,3,4]" json string.
Release date:2016-1-1
Add function to parse array of string or number,not only the object
sailjson provide follow
functions to parse json data.
//the four function to parse
json data and get values
public function string parse
(string as_json)
public function integer getarray (string itemname, ref any va[])
public function boolean isarray (any value)
public function any getattribute (string itemname)
//this function to display json
format in treeview
public subroutine buildtree (treeview atree, long handle,
integer aobjectpcxidx, integer aarraypcxidx, integer aitempcxidx)
//the four function modify json
data structure and get json data
public subroutine setattribute (string as_name, any aa_value)
public function any addarrayitem (string arrayname)
public function any addobject (string objname)
public function string getformatjson (string ident) //if ident='',
will get packed json data
Please down load the demo to see
details using.
Example Scripts
Example json data:
"version": "1001",
"header": {
"count": 3,
"comment": "items
"data": [
"colid": 1,
"colname": "aaaaaa",
"coladdr": ""
"colid": 2,
"colname": "bbbbbbbb",
"coladdr": null
"colid": 3,
"colname": "cccccc"
demo powerbuilder script to parse the json data:
//this demo script parse the json data
sailjson json, ljson
string ls_json, ls
ls_json = '{"version":"1001","header":{"count":3,"comment":"itemscount"},"data":[{"colid":1,"colname":"aaaaaa","coladdr":""},{"colid":2,"colname":"bbbbbbbb","coladdr":null},{"colid":3,"colname":"cccccc"}],"creattime":"20150213.084829"}'
json = create sailjson
json.parse( ls_json )
ls = json.getattribute( 'version')
//get header, header is an
object in json data
ljson = json.getattribute('header')
ls = string(ljson.getattribute('count'))
ls = ljson.getattribute('comment')
integer i,li_count
any larray[]
//get data, data is array of
li_count = json.getarray( 'data',
for i = 1 to li_count
ljson = larray[i]
ls = string(ljson.getattribute( 'colid'))
ls = ljson.getattribute( 'colname')
if isnull(ljson.getattribute( 'coladdr')
) then
ls = 'null'
ls = ljson.getattribute( 'coladdr')
end if
ls = json.getattribute( 'createtime')
display json format in treeview
integer handle
handle =
tv_1.insertitemfirst(0, 'root',
json.buildtree( tv_1, handle,
tv_1.expanditem( handle)
destroy json